Friday, September 21, 2012

Fooled You...

   So with 12 days left in my pregnancy my husband and I came home from the doctors with the thought of, " no baby this week." Even my doctor was not too worried about the baby coming this week.

 Well the joke is on us! After my husband went into work and told everybody that there will be no baby this week guess who decides to make her debut into the world the very next day... Natalie Morgan Heneghan. She joined us on Wednesday Sept. 12 at 4:17pm weighing 6lbs 8oz and 20 3/4 inches long. I guess she couldn't let us get too comfortable.

  All I have to say on the whole day was," WOW I was not expecting that!" 

  So, now I have an image for you to picture. Me 6 days out of the hospital with a new born baby, a toddler and a business to run. Sounds a bit crazy and overwhelming doesn't it? 
 The great thing is I stay in bed with my laptop, new baby beside me sleeping and toddler playing on the floor with his trucks; and still get ALL of my work done! How sweet is that!

 I never thought I would have that option with owning my own business. But with the Freedom Project it is possible, and I am so grateful!


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

2 Weeks to Go!

  I have never really known what to write on a blog. That is probably why I abandoned my last two attempts at blogging about two weeks in. 

 So this time rather than writing specifically about my business I am also going to get a bit more personal and real. 

 God I hope that will keep me on track. If not I will keep finding ways. I will make this work!

 To start off I am about 2 weeks away from giving birth to my second child. With my first son I found pregnancy to be a breeze and couldn't understand why so many women complained about being pregnant. I have to say this time I get it! I feel as though I have been stumbling through this pregnancy. I have been way more uncomfortable, the Braxton Hicks are more than enough to make me go insane, my feet actually swelled up and head ache after, head ache after, head ache.

 So what is different this time as compared to last?

 I haven't been getting the same exercise as I did last time. I never thought that going for a walk every day would make such a big difference. But it does! I will have to test this theory further with the next pregnancy to come up with a more definite conclusion but, that is something I will worry about later.

  I think the biggest factor is this time I have a toddler to chase around. As much fun as he is, he sure knows how to push buttons and wear mommy out. 

Other than that I think I have done everything the same as last time. I guess I also have to remember that every pregnancy is different just as each child is different. It is really a learning experience I think the best part about it is... there is no rule book. Just advice from those who have done it before you.

So here is to a new beginning and to a new life that will teach me a whole new side of the person that I am. Who will push me to grow and stretch just a bit more into an amazing person.
